Creativity: more than just an Artistic Expression

Posted on 2021

What does it mean to be a creative? Is creativity valuable? What do you create?

Photo by Firmbee on UnSplash

In our interconnected world, the title of ‘creative’ is often given to those in the arts or in a ‘creative space’. Consequently, it is likely you’ve either said it to yourself or heard someone say… ‘I am not a creative person’ or ‘Creativity isn’t a skill I use at work’. Little do we know, it’s being creative that plays an active role in all that we do – be it in a personal or a professional setting.

Hmm… am I a creative?

It’s actually remarkably simple considering the dictionary definition…

noun: creative; plural noun: creatives
1. a person whose job involves producing original ideas.

Cambridge Dictionary

Bearing that definition in mind, you may realise that you’re actually more creative than you thought. Creativity allows us to come up with novel and unexpected solutions to problems – it encourages growth in our ways of thinking and drives innovation.

Creativity = a way of living

Generally, itIf there is one thing that has been everywhere during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s Creativity – from adapting to the ‘new normal’ to creating new ways to connect with our friends, family and working remotely. Whether or not you are a creative is a question of mindset, and has much less to do with the arts than you might think!

Ergo, creativity — a vital skill of the future and for survival, probably making it the most transferrable skill.
